Hi, nice to meet you!

Thank you for being here! I am Jane(Xinjian) Huang, a music producer, sound engineer, audio visual artist and creative technologist. I make music, audiovisual live performance, interactive music installation, and more! I am always interested in music technology and emerging digital arts. My works have been selected/performed in the following events:

Signal Flow Festival 2020, Oakland, CA

Globle Game Jam 2020, SF Noisebridge, CA


MAGWest 2019, San Jose, CA

Show all things show! NYU ITP camp 2019, NY

CNMAT odot Workshop, UCB, CA

E-Music Festival, Beijing, China

DA+ Space, Shanghai, China

Oregon University, OR


Please listen to my music and scroll down for more videos about my creative works.

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TAT is a creative dance performance featuring green screening, made in collaboration with alocking dancer and motion graphic artist. With the dancer secretly appearing on/off the stage and the background video trying to fake the dancer, the piece aims to trick the audiences by the visual illusion that both the real dancer and the “fake dancer” create together.

As the project lead, I designed the whole performance, making the music and the storyboard for the work. I also participated in part of the choreography.


My Jam demo with 3 songs mixed together:

I Don’t Know Why - NOTD & Astrid S

Shelter - Porter Robinson & Madeon

发如雪(Hair Like Snow) - Jay Chou


A crackle synth made with chip NTE909D and circuits in a floss box. The switch controls on and off and the potentiometer controlls volume.

I plan to add more features in the future, such as freq & ring modulation, and a quater inch port so that I can send the signal to my computer or Eurorack.